510.779.2460 HABLO ESPAÑOL.
office in oakland, Ca.
My approach to therapy is not traditional.
I believe a good therapist becomes, to the best of their ability, the unique healer that is called up by the client. They learn to speak the client's language and to understand the client's perspective. This means a good therapist must follow as often as they guide, be humble, and trust that each person is capable of healing and becoming whole.
I blend approaches of holistic counseling, CBT, mentor-ship, and advocacy because I believe that therapy must include things like supportive referrals outside the therapy room, direct communication, and even problem-solving.
I have years of experience working for clients and their families with developmental disabilities, adolescents with behavioral problems or emotional disorders, and immigrant communities who are struggling to acculturate and find their feet in their American communities. I enjoy working with Spanish-speaking clients, and believe that therapy in a client's native language has the potential of working faster and more effectively. Depression and anxiety are both common in all these communities, and I combine talk-therapy with exercises and strategies to address behaviors that are getting in the way of feeling fulfilled.
I identify as a Latino, immigrant, male, father, and husband. I also identify as an American citizen, an artist, and a holistic and spiritual practitioner.
Graduate of John F. Kennedy University, Counseling Psychology
Specializing in Treating:
Depression and Anxiety
Issues of Immigration and Acculturation
Advocacy and counseling for families with special needs
Couples and families struggling to communicate well
Adolescents with issues with authority
Para mas información acerca de mi, por favor vea mi pagina en PsychologyToda
Contact Me
Starting is easy! Use the form on the right to begin our conversation. We'll start with a free, 30 minute consultation to see if we're a good match. If we're not, for any reason, I'll provide you with other referrals that may be a better fit - my commitment is to your well-being first!