Therapy and Counseling Services

lgbtq+ counseling

talk to someone who gets it

Tired of having to explain things to your therapist?

Or maybe just ready to feel the comfort of sharing space with a therapist who is also from LGBTQ community?

Is it always necessary to sit with someone who is "like" us? No. Of course not. Sometimes, though, the work to be done in therapy can go to deeper places, with easier trust and connection when the therapist can reflect upon a client's experience in a more personal way. Many of Axis Mundi's clinicians identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community, and have specialized in offering highly competent care in areas like gender identity and expression, coming-out, sexual orientation, body image, as well as the unique stresses, anxieties, trauma, depression that can sometimes be a part of those experiences - especially when living in a culture that marginalizes and oppresses. (All Axis Mundi clinicians are trained in gender-competent care, but not all are specialists.)

Lauren Cohn-Frankel, LMFT#125406. Telehealth.

Rayne Banneck, LMFT#124607. Office in Oakland.

Adrian Eraslan, LMFT #123936, LPCC #13930. Office in Oakland, CA.

Katrina P Mautner, LMFT #133116.

jo’kai (jennifer/jb) bath. AMFT #120696,

Jennifer (Jo’cai/JB) Bath, LMFT #136291.

Jace Lawa, LMFT #141215.

Laura “Lo” Wesely. LCSW #99991.

Laura “Lo” Wesely, LCSW #99991.

Rebecca Prolman. AMFT #122757.

Rebecca Prolman, LMFT #139575.

Kade Papula, LMFT#141180. Tele and Eco-therapy Based in Oakland, CA.

Demetra Risner. Trainee at JFKU. Online Only.

Demetra Risner, AMFT #129996. Telehealth Only.

Melanie Ferrari, AMFT #125787, APCC #9630. Telehealth.

Jay Tzvia Helfand, AMFT #127492.

Jules Peithman, AMFT #135486. Telehealth and In-person Ecotherapy Sessions in Oakland, CA.

Justin Harris, AMFT #135145.

Lis Elle Werth, AMFT #138322.

Michael Larson, LMFT #153526.

Marlee Breunig, Trainee in Practicum at CIIS. Located in Oakland, CA. Telehealth at the Moment.

Pablo Baeza Breinbauer, ASW #100154. Telehealth Only.

Olivia Douglas, Trainee in practicum at Naropa University. Telehealth, Ecotherapy in Monterey/Carmel.

Tristan Crane (he/him, they/them), AMFT #143586. Telehealth, Ecotherapy.

Mara K. Martínez-Hewitt, AMFT #151554. In person / Ecotherapy (Los Angeles), Telehealth.

Brannon Reid Lewis, AMFT #150612. Telehealth.

Zena Carlota Allen, AMFT #129203. Telehealth.

Justin “Juice” Reid, Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee in Practicum at CIIS.

Eli Fujita, ASW #118495. Telehealth.

Olivia Treviño, AMFT #145997. Office in Berkeley / Albany, Ecotherapy.

Cadence McCracken, APCC #15312. Telehealth.

Monique “Kiki” Lyons, AMFT #142839. Telehealth, ecotherapy.

Tayina Fenelus, AMFT #151419. Telehealth

Nina Öztürk. AMFT# 137528 Telehealth.