Therapy and Counseling Services

Therapists of Color

shared experience, vibrant healing

These places that we call home are diverse, and these differences are beautiful. The ways those differences are seen, heard, felt, and treated can interfere with our mental health. Looking inward and engaging in a healing process is a journey that requires a lot of our attention and having someone who understands our cultures and even our race can enhance our process. At Axis Mundi, we understand these barriers and we strive to offer services that can foster your inner growth without the added burden of centering on whiteness. Many AM clinicians identify as TOC (therapists of color) and have specialized in offering highly skilled care in areas like cultural differences, oppression, race inequality as well as understand the unique stress that anxiety, trauma, and depression that these experiences can produce, especially when living in a society that marginalizes and oppress “others”.

Click on the photos below to learn more!


Adrian Eraslan. LMFT#123963. LPCC#13930. Office in Oakland, CA.

Christie Lee. LMFT #121691. Office in Berkeley, CA.

Christie Lee. LMFT #121691. Office in Berkeley, CA.

Pablo Martinez. LMFT #113991. Office in Oakland, CA.

Pablo Martinez. LMFT #113991. Office in Oakland, CA.


Natalie Webster. LMFT #126065. Office in Walnut Creek, CA.

Melinda Perales. LMFT #138151. Telehealth.

Katrina Mautner. LMFT #133116. Telehealth, office in Oakland.

Shannon Edwards. AMFT #116373, APCC #6974.

Shannon Edwards. LMFT #151600, APCC #6974. Telehealth.

Mahesh Francis. AMFT #134572, APCC #12508. Telehealth.

Alejandro Rodriguez-Martinez. AMFT #125288.

Alejandro Rodriguez-Martinez. AMFT #125288. Office in Walnut Creek, CA.

Jose Feliciano. AMFT #125649. Telehealth.

Sandra Zuniga. Trainee at JFKU.

Sandra Zuniga. LMFT #149852. Telehealth.

Raissa Alvero. AMFT #131664. Office in Berkeley, CA.

Lauren Hoernig. Trainee at JFKU.

Lauren Hoernig. LMFT #145687. Telehealth, ecotherapy.

Nina Torres. Trainee at JFKU. Telehealth Only.

Nina Öztürk. AMFT# 137528. Telehealth.

David Chung. AMFT #138933. Telehealth.

Savannah Wilson. AMFT #138744. Telehealth.

Jules Peithman, AMFT #135486. Telehealth and In-person Ecotherapy Sessions in Oakland, CA..

Rochele Henderson, AMFT #136082. Telehealth.

Grishma Gautam, AMFT#137295. Telehealth and Office in Walnut Creek, CA.

Bobby Dulai, AMFT #143885. Telehealth.

Pablo Baeza Breinbauer, ASW #100154. Telehealth.

Marlee Breunig, Trainee in practicum at CIIS. Telehealth.

Rish Sanghvi, Trainee in practicum at CIIS. Telehealth and Walk-and-Talk Available in Oakland/Berkeley.

Dolores Antolin (Dolores Antolín Y Muñiz), AMFT #148115. Telehealth (phone sessions), office in Oakland + Berkeley, walk and talk ecotherapy.

Olivia Douglas, Trainee in practicum at Naropa University. Telehealth, Ecotherapy in Monterey/Carmel.

Sarah Aldamigh, AMFT# 149604. APCC #17468. Telehealth.

Mara K. Martínez-Hewitt, AMFT #151554. In person / Ecotherapy (Los Angeles), Telehealth.

Zena Carlota Allen, AMFT #129203. Telehealth.

Monique “Nikki” Gabuya, AMFT #149208. Telehealth.

Eli Fujita, ASW #118495. Telehealth.

Olivia Treviño, AMFT #145997. Office in Berkeley / Albany, Ecotherapy.

Perla Garcia-Nash (she/her/they/them), Trainee in practicum at National University. Telehealth.

Cecilia Ussher, AMFT #147639. Telehealth.

Ravin Spicer, LMFT #151655. Telehealth, ecotherapy.

Monique “Kiki” Lyons, AMFT #142839. Telehealth, ecotherapy.

Tayina Fenelus, AMFT #151419. Telehealth.